Jeevan Vigyan - 8: Lesson-27 : Mental Health

Published: 16.10.2018


The purpose of education is to bring abut the physical, mental, intellectual and emotional development of a person. But our present education system is such that it only affects the physical and intellectual development. It ignores the mental and emotional side of a student. As a result, it fails to develop the overall personality of an individual. This means that our present education system is imbalanced. However, we are not going to discuss the consequences of these flaws in the education system. But it is important to discuss about the mental and emotional health of students. We will talk about emotional health in the next unit. In this unit we will discuss the mental health.

First and the foremost step is to try to understand what we mean by the word MIND. Mind is a level of our consciousness. Mind formulates the mechanism of memory, imagination and concentrated study. These three elements are notoriously mercurial because they have a tendency to founder, to become restless. We can also say that restlessness is another name of activity. If mind is not active, it cannot exist. Mind becomes active when we deeply study or follow a particular thought. In other words, whenever we undertake any venture which involves deep concentration and study, mind (i.e. an active mind) comes into the play.

At this stage itself let us understand what is meant by the Sanskrit world CHITTA. Chitta is also a level of consciousness. It is that quality of consciousness which functions along with the physical body, our faculty of speech and mind. The consciousness that functions with brain is the faculty of thought-process (Mana). We must remember that the Mana, the thought process, is not permanent. Its activity is related to the flow of thoughts. But Chitta is a permanent entity. That particular consciousness which functions along with our sensory perceptions (Indriya) and the mind (Chitta), would enable us to gauge the speed of the Thought Process (Mana). Once the reins of Thought Process (Mana) we secure in our hands, we achieve total control over conscious mind, the Chitta. As a matter of fact, the Thought Process (Mana) is instrumental in securing the control of mind (Chitta). The conceptual form of the Chitta determines the imaginative functions of the Thought Process (Mana). It is, therefore, essential that we should transform the consciousness of the mind (Chitta). This is possible when we transform our Action Process (Karma Vipaak). The Action Process transformation can happen only when we recapitulate the good or bad effects of our previous deeds. By virtue of this action, the permanence of the mind (Chitta) becomes effective. As a result, the mind (Chitta) disintegrates the functions of the Though Process (Mana). This leads to the complications of memory, imagination and contemplation (Chintan). To avoid the occurrence of such unwanted complications, one should transform one's mind (Chitta) and conquer the Thought-Process (Mana). This conquest over the Thought-Process (Mana) means peace. Here it must be noted that conquering does not mean the end of Thought-Process (Mana). It means that we should be able to control and regulate its functions in accordance with the dictates of our mind (Chitta). When we are engaged in any activity, our mind (Chitta) should also be fully associated with the relevant physical action, there should not be any other memory, imagination or contemplation involved at that time. So, when we are dining, our mind and the Thought-Process (Mana) should be fully involved in the activity of dining only. When we are engaged in studies, there should not be any diversion from it. In short, our Thought-Process should remain involved in the present activity which is under progress. This is what is called, "to live in the present". This is the healthy state of mind (The Chitta) and Thought-Process (Mana).


A person with a healthy mind only can possess a healthy body. It is possible because the mind of such a person is always free from tension. There is no unwanted stress on his nervous system. His head never suffers from heaviness. His muscles are lax and at rest. The entire body functions efficiently. He always has a good appetite. Whatever job he undertakes, he does it with full devotion and attention. The same thing applies to his all activities. In such a wholesome condition, he remains in a cheerful mood in a natural way. All this contributes to ensure a good health without any apparent effort to do so.


When the mind is healthy, a student studies with full concentration. Whatever is taught in his class, he listens attentively. He remembers all the essential matters. After reading once or twice, he is able to commit the lesson to memory. A healthy mind is a medium which can perpetuate and sharpen the memory of students.


Efficiency mainly depends upon a healthy body. Then comes the sense of Discernment (Vivek). In the same way, there may be several other factors also in this respect. But the important consideration is whether the worker is doing his job with full concentration or not. Whenever anything is attempted in this manner, the end product would naturally be of a very high quality.

It, therefore, goes to show that a person with a healthy mind will probably enjoy a healthy body, a sharp memory and an efficiency of high standard.


Prekshadhyan is a complete procedure to achieve this aim. This Sadhana protects the Sadhaka from internal impediments and external diversion. Admittedly, it is difficult to eliminate permanently all external problems. But the internal impediments can be weakened upon up to a great extent. The Sadhaka, therefore, must concentrate fully on his internal impediments only in order to eliminate them entirely. For this purpose, main stages in the procedure for carrying out this Sadhana are given below:

  1. Select a clean and calm location and assume the posture of Sukhasana.
  2. Concentrate your mind on respiration. While inhaling, feel that your mind is entering your body; while exhaling, feel that your mind is leaving your body. Concentrate on every breath.
  3. Visualize that the body is becoming motionless and lax. Also visualize that every muscle of the body is loosening. Now it has become totally lax. Now visualize that your consciousness is fully awake and alert.
  4. Contemplate positive thoughts. "My mind and thoughts are becoming healthy. I feel amity and goodwill towards all animate beings. May all remain well! May all be free from misery and sorrow!"
  5. Be involved in literature of superior level. Serious reading of sublime authors would influence your Thought-Process beneficially. You may also devote yourself into the JAPA activity.
  6. In order to achieve peace, undertake repeated exercise of the SARVENDRIYA SANYAMA MUDRA. Close ears by pressing them with your thumbs. Place index fingers on eyes, middle fingers on nose, ring fingers and little fingers on lips. This exercise is known as the Sarvendriya Sanyama Mudra.


    1. What do you mean by the term, "Mental Health"? Discuss.
    2. Is a healthy mind a pre-requisite for a healthy body?
    3. A healthy mind exerts a positive influence on memory and efficiency." Discuss the statement.
Title: Jeevan Vigyan - 8

Muni Kishan lal

Dr. Shiv Kumar Sharma

Shubh Karan Surana

Editor: Muni Dhamendra Kumar
Publisher: Jeevan Vigyan Academy
Digital Publishing:
Amit Kumar Jain

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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Body
  2. Brain
  3. Chitta
  4. Concentration
  5. Consciousness
  6. Contemplation
  7. Indriya
  8. Japa
  9. Karma
  10. Mana
  11. Mudra
  12. Prekshadhyan
  13. Sadhaka
  14. Sadhana
  15. Sanskrit
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