Ocean Of Problems - The Boat to Non Violence: 31 ►Shemkariahimsa

Published: 17.06.2020

Politics in Non-Violence

The influence of politics is prevalent everywhere. Not ‘merely that people are also coating religion in the colour of politics. A virtue like non-violence has been dragged in the forum of politics. In speeches people talk about the highest ideals of non-violence but the animosity lurks in their heart. What else could it is other than dragging non-violence in the field of politics? Is it not degrading religion and ‘non- violence’? Those who ignite the fire of violence, if they talk about following non-violence in life, people conspiring to demolish the world calling for an assembly of non-violence what kind of fallacy is this? Now-a-days something akin to this is happening. This is an impossible effort. In reality only those people deserve to talk about non-violence and peace that live up to the ideals of them. Those whose life is sanctified by non-violence and peace.

Tradition of Non-Violence

Non-violence is an enteral and fundamental principle of religion. This thought has been developed down the ages and has a long tradition. Many years ago in the history of Prague an ancient Tirthankara Rishav existed. He followed and spread the religion of non-violence. In Vedic tradition what Angiras had advised Shri Krishna? Non-violence had been asked to follow.

Consequences of Non-Violence

The most important feature of non-violence is that it preserves the tiniest of creatures to the biggest of them. The final outcome of following non-violence is purity of soul. No sooner it becomes a part of life than it opens a way to purify oneself. With the establishment of non-violence even it starts purifying social, political, economic and other important facets of life. That is the least outcome. The most important of all is purification of self.

Active Implementation of Non-Violence

We have been running a nationwide movement in the form of Anubrat for years. From one perspective it is one of the creative and active implementation of non-violence. It is trying to mould human life from being violent to non-violent by means of observing, some small vows. It is a step taken to turn man from being unrestraint to restraint. What is desirable is that people must get acquainted with the purpose, philosophy and work procedures and be a part of this movement actively to establish non-violence.

Movement of Establishing Non-Violence

Whether a person believes in a particular cult or belong to any community or religion, morality and a good code of conduct are equally necessary for him. Without these virtues peace cannot descent on his life. The movement of ‘Anubrat’ tries to establish morality and good code of conduct on a vast scale in human life. It is no way a part of any narrow minded thought. This is a highway of human religion which helps human beings to reach destination of self- purification quite easily.

The movement of Anubrat strikes the origin of exploitation and accumulation. Today the human perception has become money oriented. The movement of Anubrat tries to change this situation and gives a new tum to it. It wants to replace money by non-accumulation,contentment and restrain thus augmenting the importance of these virtues creating a favourable environment.

In the name of peace, violence has been unleashed and given a lot of indulgence. Many destructive and lethal weapons have been created. Men have been killed brutally but that had not brought peace. It was an effort to bring peace but on the contrary it increased turmoil, mutual hatred prospered and the tendency of nibbling the other was born. Unfortunately it all happened in the name of peace. I can bet that the props that violence got by it was in favour of non-violence. What effect it could have on life? Even today I would assert that the more indulgences non-violence would get the world would be more free of the clutches of complexities. The aim of this movement is to establish non-violence in everyone’s life. Mutual friendship must grow and mutual hatred and jealousy must be erased. I am delighted to realize that people are trying to understand the essence of it. If the public of a nation go according to its ideals then happiness and peace would flow naturally. It is my conviction.


Title: Ocean Of Problems
Author: Acharya Tulsi
Publisher: Jain Vishwa Bharati, Ladnun
Digital Publishing:
Amit Kumar Jain
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  1. Environment
  2. Krishna
  3. Non-violence
  4. Prague
  5. Soul
  6. Tirthankara
  7. Vedic
  8. Violence
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