Jainism : The World of Conquerors: Apendix 4

Published: 04.01.2016

Modern Texts in Western Languages

We list below some texts written in English, German, French or Italian.

Date Author Texts/Publishers English Other
1965 Alsdorf, L Les etudes jaina, Paris: Colledge de France French
1902 Barth, A. Bulletins des religions de líinde.,IV: Jainisme in Revue de líhistoire 45: 171-85 French
1970 Barua, B A history of pre-Buddhist philosophy, Calcutta: Univesity of Calcutta English
1963 Basham A. The wonder that was India, New York: Grove Press English
1968 Bhargava D. Jaina ethics, Delhi: Motilal Banarassidas English
1974 Bhattacharya B. Jain iconography, Delhi: Motilal banarsidass English
1977- 88 Bollee W. Studien zum suyagada 2 vols.Wiesbaden: Universität Heidelberg German
1941 Brown, W Manuscript illustrations of the
uttradhyayana sutra, New Haven: American Oriental Society
1878 - 96 Buhler, G. The Digambara Jains, on the
authencity of the Jain tradition,
publications on Mathura
inscriptions and sculptures and many other articles
1884 Burgess, J. Temples of Satrunjay, Gacchaas,
Yatis, Nuns, and other publications Reprint 1971,Calcutta:Jain Bhavan
1991 Carrithers and Humphrey The Assembly of Listeners, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. English
1989 Carrthers, M Naked ascetics in southern Digambar
Jainism, in Man (n.s.) 24: 219-35
1978- 84 Chatterjee, A A compressive History of Jainism 2 vols. Calcutta: firma klm (private) limited English
1988- 91 Cort, J. Liberation and Well being, the Svetamber Murtipujak Jain
Mendicant, models of and for the
study of the Jains, and pilgrimage to
Sankheshvar Parsvanath (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University).
1970 Deleu, J. Viyaapannati (bhagavati), Brugge: Rijksuniversiteit Gent French
1956 Deo, S. History of Jain Monachism, Poona: Deccan College English
1983 Devendra Muni Source Book in Jain Philosophy, Udaipur: Shri Tarak Guru Jain Granthalaya
1971 Dixit, K. Jaina Ontology, Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute English
1981 Dundas, P. The Jains, London: Routledge English
1977 Fischer, Eberhard and Jain, J Art and Rituals: 2500 years of
jainism in India, Trans. Of German text published in 1974
English German
1975 Folkert, K. Jaina Approches to Non-Jains:
Patterns and implications, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
1974- 75 Ghosh, A. Jaina Art and Architecture, Delhi: Bharatiya Jnanpith 3 vols. English
1925 Glasenapp, H Der jainismus: eine indische
erlösungs-religion, Berlin:Alf Hager (Reprint Haldesheim)
1915 Glasenapp, H. Die Lehre vom Karman in der
philosophie der jainas, (Trans. In English in 1942 in Bombay), Leipzig: G. Kreysing
English German
1906 Guerinot, A. Essai de bibliographic Jaina, Paris: Annales du Musée Guimet French
1879- 1906 Jacobi, H. Kalpa Sutra, on Mahavira and his
predecessors, Jaina Sutras
introduction in Jaina Sutras,
Aacaaranga sutra, Sutrakritanga
sutra, Tattvartha Sutra and other publications. Oxford: Clarendon Press
1964 Jain, J. The Jaina sources for the history of
ancient India, religion and culture of
the Jains. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
1992 Jain, L. The Tao of Jainism, Delhi: Arihant Prakashan English
1960 Jain, U. Jaina sects and schools, Delhi: Concept. Publication English
1915 Jaini, J. Outlines of Jainism, Ed. Thomas, F. London: Jain Literature Society. (Reprinted 1979) English
1979 1991 Jaini, P. The Jaina Path of Purification, Berkeley: University of California; Delhi:Motilal Banarsidass;
Gender and salvation, Berkley
1988 Jindal, K An Epitome of Jainism, Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers English
1995 Johnson, W. Harmless souls, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass English
1988 Kalghagti, T Study of Jainism, Jaipur: Prakrit Bharati Academy English
1941 Kapadia, H. A history of the canonical literature
of the Jainas, Surat
1973- 85 Lalvani, G. Bhagvati sutra 4 vols. Uttaradhyanan
sutra, Calcutta: Jain Bhavan
1979 Lalvani, K. Kalpasutra, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass English
1949 Law, B. Some Jaina Canonical Sutras, Bombay: Royal Asiatic Society English
1882- 1905 Leumann, E. Die alten berichte von dem schismen
der jaina, in Indische Studien,
Aupapaatika sutra(Prakrit)
1987 Lishk, S. Jaina astronomy, Delhi:Vidyasagar Publication English
1966 Malvaniya D. Jaina agamas, in nandisuttam and
anuogaddaraim, Jt. Ed. Bombay: Shree Mahavir Jain Vidhyalaya
1990 Mardia, K. The Scientific Foundation of Jainism, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass English
1985 Marett, P. Jainism Explained, Leicester: Jain Samaj Europe English
1971 Mehta, M. Jaina philosophy, Varanasi: P. V. Research Institute;
Jaina monastic discipline, Patiala: Punjab University
1975 Jaina monastic discipline, Patiala: Punjab University
1944 Mookerjee S The Jaina Philosophy of Nonabsolutism, Calcutta. Repr. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass English
1873- 89 Muller, F. Introduction to the Science of
Religion, Preface to the Sacred Books
of East (28 pages), Natural Religion Oxford: Clarendon Press
1917 Nahar P. An epitome of Jainism, Calcutta: H. Duby English
1982 Ohira, S. A Study of Tattvartha Sutra, Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute English
1963 Padmarajia h, Y. A Comparative Study of Jaina
Theories of Reality and Knowledge, Bombay: Jain Vikas Mandal
1980 Sangave, V. Jaina community, Bombay: Popular Prakashan English
1902 Schrader, F, Über den stand der Indischen
Philosophie zur Zeit Mahavira and
Buddhas, Leipzig
1918- 66 Schubring, W. Das Mahanisiha-Sutta, die Lehre der
Jainas, Kundakunda echt und
Unecht, Jainismus,
The Doctrine of Jainas, Acaradasah (French Trans. By Caillat, C). And other publications. Berlin.
German French
1931 Sen, A Schools and Sects in Jaina Literature, Calcutta: Visva Bharati Bookshop English
1932 Shah, C. Jainism in North India: 800 B.C.-
A.D.526. London: Longmans, Green.
1990 Shastri, I. Jaina Epistemology, Varanasi: P.V. Research Institute English
1975 Singh, R. Jainism in early medieval karnataka, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass English
1901 Smith, V. The Jaina Stupa and other antiquities
of Mathura, Allahabad: Archaeological Survey of India.
1915 Stevenson, Sinclair The Heart of Jainism, London: Oxford University Press. English
1951 Tatia, N. Studies in Jaina Philosophy, Banaras: P.V.Research Institute English
1935 Thomas, F. Introduction to Barend Faddegon
(tr.), The Pravacana-Sara and Tattva
Dipika, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press
1933- 74 Upadhye, A. Yapaniya Sangha, Introduction to
Pravacanasara, Nyayavatara and
other works. Bombay.
1944 Velankar, H Jinaratnakosa; an Alphabetical
Register of Jain Works & authors, Poona: Bhandarkar Institute
1944 Wach, J. The Sociology of Religion, Chicago University English
1858- 92 Weber, A Ueber das Catrunjaya Mahatmyam,
ueber ein fragment der Bhagvati,
ueber die Heiligen Schriften der
Jaina, and otherworks. Leipzig
Iveberís sacred literature of the Jains and Satrunjay Mahatmyamî Trans. In English
1963 Williams, R. Jain Yoga, London: Oxford University Press. (Reprint Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass) English
1983 Zydenbos R. Moksa in Jainism, according to
Umasvati, Wiesbaden: Univesitat Heidelberg:


Title: Jainism: The World of Conquerors
Dr. Natubhai Shah
Publisher: Sussex Academic Press
Edition: 1998
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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Agamas
  2. Ahmedabad
  3. Allahabad
  4. Archaeological Survey of India
  5. Arihant
  6. Banaras
  7. Berkeley
  8. Berlin
  9. Bombay
  10. Calcutta
  11. Chicago
  12. Das
  13. Delhi
  14. Devendra
  15. Digambar
  16. Digambara
  17. Discipline
  18. Epitome Of Jainism
  19. Guru
  20. Heidelberg
  21. JAINA
  22. Jacobi
  23. Jain Philosophy
  24. Jain Samaj Europe
  25. Jain Yoga
  26. Jaina
  27. Jaina Art
  28. Jaina Sutras
  29. Jainism
  30. Jainism Explained
  31. Jaipur
  32. Kalpa
  33. Kalpa Sutra
  34. Karman
  35. Karnataka
  36. Kundakunda
  37. Leicester
  38. Leumann
  39. London
  40. Mahavir
  41. Mahavira
  42. Mandal
  43. Mardia
  44. Mathura
  45. Moksa
  46. Motilal Banarsidass
  47. Muni
  48. Murtipujak
  49. N. Tatia
  50. New Haven
  51. Parsvanath
  52. Patiala
  53. Poona
  54. Prakrit
  55. Prakrit Bharati Academy
  56. Punjab
  57. Sangha
  58. Schubring
  59. Science
  60. Surat
  61. Sutra
  62. Sutrakritanga Sutra
  63. Tattva
  64. Tattvartha Sutra
  65. The Jaina Path of Purification
  66. Udaipur
  67. Varanasi
  68. Vidyasagar
  69. Yapaniya
  70. Yatis
  71. Yoga
  72. Zydenbos
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