Education for Bliss & Development: 23 ►Two Weights Of Balance

Published: 27.05.2018

This is an era of education. The government wants no citizen of the country to be illiterate. The workers of social service organizations are carrying out adult education campaigns in every corner of the society. Inspiration is also given at the family level that in the coming days power will be in the hands of people who are well educated. So, the aim is to bring education in life and mission. But cultural crisis over education indicates that the way mental consciousness is increasing, in comparison to that development of spiritual consciousness is slow. It will take many generations to fill the gap. It is also doubtful that both the sides of the balance would be same.

Ignorance and stupidity are not same. Ignorance is related with an undeveloped mind, whereas stupidity is related with an undeveloped spiritual consciousness. As long as there are hindrances in the way of education, it will be difficult to wipe out ignorance. But even after this blockage is removed, man continues to be in a state of stupidity. Even after acquiring knowledge, man keeps wandering. The reason of this is not the coverage on knowledge, but a disorder with full of delusion.

Increasing number of colleges and degree colleges confirms the necessity of education. But the point of thinking is the growth in higher standards of education. Unless the standard of education is high, and until it connects both the threads of moral and cultural values, education will be a problem in itself. Just bookish knowledge is not enough for life. It should bring coordination in life and culture. Just information and wide materials are not sufficient in education. It is necessary to have communication and message. Whenever a student diverts himself from the line, his expectations are also perished.

The usefulness of education is a mixture of faith, vow and character. The education which is not inherent with discipline, patience, co-existence, consciousness and values of life, it has no meaning. The real education is that which builds up the personality of an individual and which could develop his life style according to his requirements.

Title: Education for Bliss & Development
Author: Acharya Tulsi
Publisher: Adarsh Sahitya Sangh
Digital Publishing: Amit Kumar Jain

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