HereNow4U - Living Jainism Tour 2006 - 01.4 New Delhi - Interview With Samani Jyoti Pragya At ASK

Published: 28.12.2006
Updated: 03.09.2014


After breakfast, we took the opportunity to meet with Samani Jyoti Pragyaji at ASK. She was absorbed in learning a lesson of Russian language when we arrived.

Inspired by the Moscow based cosmic healer Emil Bagirov, many people from Russia and other states of the Russian Federation had attended enthusiastically Preksha Meditation Camps in India. In the last two International Preksha Meditation Camps, they raised the majority of participants; some of them even had received licenses as trainee after the ten-days camp by Preksha International. Emil Bagirov participates in the camps to be near H.H. Acharya Mahaprajna and to harmonise his energies. He recommends the same to his about 5000 students all over the world, but not all of them can go to India.

During their studies, his students from Russia and other states of the Russian Federation visit him regularly in Moscow. As the interest to learn the Preksha Meditation technique is increasing and the relations between the Terapanth sect and the spiritually oriented people in Moscow and St. Petersburg are very close since the fall of the Iron Curtain, the plan took shape to establish a centre for Jainism, Preksha Meditation and Preksha Yoga in Moscow. H.H. Acharya Mahaprajna will decide next Maryada Mahotsav in January 2007 in Gangashahar, if two Samanijis will be sent to Moscow to manage the first Preksha Meditation Centre in Eastern Europe.

As it seems quite useful, to teach the people in their language, Samani Jyoti Pragya was asked to learn Russian language, and she voluntarily agreed six months ago.

It was one of the amazing encounters, to meet her personally; hitherto, we only knew her activities and her photo. However, we did not recognise her and wondered if her photo in the HereNow4U glossary showed the same person! She immediately gave two newer photos, which we have added now to her glossary entry...

We used the opportunity to interview Samani Jyoti Pragya.

Samani Jyoti Pragyaji, please tell our readers about the impact of dedication and devotion on your life.

Samani Jyoti Pragya:

When reading words of H.H. Acharya Mahaprajna, my mental activities immediately are uplifted and I synchronise with the alpha waves Acharyashree is generating with his words. I feel a change of energy and am immediately in high spirits. Devotion is the synchronisation with Acharyashree’s uplifting energies.

Often in my life, the words of Acharyashree are turning into reality. When I am dedicated, I even succeed where I failed before.

Our second question was on Acharya Bikshu, the founder of Jain Swetamber Terapanth sect.

How is Acharya Bikshu present in your daily life?

Samani Jyoti Pragya:

Since my childhood, every day I am bearing Acharya Bikshu more than thousand times in my mind. His name is the miracle in my outer and inner world.

30 years ago, I was involved in a life-threatening car accident. When I felt leaving the body, I started reciting Acharya Bikshu’s name with the plea in my mind being possible to bring about the spiritual evolution due to which I am here. Then I felt like being sent to earth again and woke up in the ditch where the car lied on its roof. I had been thrown out of it and was unbroken, except for the shock the situation had given to me.

When I do Mangal Path on Acharya Bikshu, I feel near to Vitaragdas, the souls beyond attachment and materiality.

The inner miracles of the spiritual world result in betterment of health and intellectual capacity, they are very often seen as miracles in the outer world.

Before our departure to India, Mahima Bokariya, our Surat/Mumbai correspondent, had sent the following text to us:


Samani Jyoti Pragya:

ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Mysterious Power in name
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Enlightened Spirit
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Gifted with extraordinary intelligence
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Founder of Terapanth Sect.
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Dedicated to Mahavir’s preachings
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Pilgrimage of faith
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Designer of Spiritual Technology
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Beyond Praise & Condemn
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Thematic Consciousness
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Uniformity in thoughts, words & deeds
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Discriminator of Empirical & Transcendental Religion
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Brought Renaissance of Non-violence
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Outstanding poet, writer orator & philosopher
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Reader of human psychology
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Challenges Climber
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Initiator of rules & duties
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Critical Evaluator
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Revaluating Personality
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Social Reformer
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Phenomenological Transformer
ACHARYA BHIKSU --- Convincing Communicator

Samani Jyoti Pragya’s remarks on devotion and dedication had inspired us for the last question.

Which of your spiritual experiences do you want to share with us?

Samani Jyoti Pragya:

Sometimes I see bright colours, lucid figures and structures when I visualise golden colour of sunrise while concentrated on the centre of intuition in the middle of the eyebrows, reciting 108 times Namokar Mahamantra. Please try yourself.

At the end of this session we referred to her statement that “the words of Acharyashree are turning into reality” by giving our experience of the same when working on or translating his books at HereNow4U office. We felt happy and no longer curious about this effect. We departed in high spirits.


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      1. Acharya
      2. Acharya Bikshu
      3. Acharya Mahaprajna
      4. Bhiksu
      5. Body
      6. Centre of Intuition
      7. Consciousness
      8. Dr. Samani Jyoti Pragya
      9. Emil Bagirov
      10. Gangashahar
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      12. Jainism
      13. Mahavir
      14. Mahima Bokariya
      15. Mangal Path
      16. Maryada
      17. Maryada Mahotsav
      18. Meditation
      19. Non-violence
      20. Pragya
      21. Preksha
      22. Preksha International
      23. Preksha Meditation
      24. Preksha Meditation Camps
      25. Preksha Yoga
      26. Samani
      27. Terapanth
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