Ocean Of Problems - The Boat to Non Violence: 02 ►Power of Non-Violence

Published: 02.06.2020

Non-violence is a gateway to truth. Without going through it no person can attain the truth. The sentinel of it is resistance. A non-restraint seeker without killing a single living creature also gets violent at the slightest provocation. His instincts are always dominated by violence. Such a person always feels insecure because he is deprived of the security independent of time and sphere that comes from non-violence it becomes impossible for a person to have access to the power of non-violence who believes in the power of violence.

A person deprived of this security of non-violence becomes insecure from every direction. He starts becoming afraid of himself too. His psychic armour becomes lethal enough but even the sharpness of it does not assure him to remain secure and he becomes doubtful of the security concerning his own existence. The only solution to the problems of fear doubts and insecurity is non-violence. All the wise and enlightened, men have analysed the power of it through varied synonyms.

भियाणं पिव सरणं

Dominated by fear a man seeks refuge in someone at the time of his exile. If he finds out that enemies are looking for him desperately he doubles the pace of his race. Running like frenzy he starts panting, sweating and with additional numbing of his legs, he loses his last hope of survival. In such a hostile hour if his hope is strengthened by an able hand of a great king and an assurance of getting all necessary security at all cost, he gets rest assured and peaceful. In as much the same way a fear affected person gets all solace and security in non- violence.

पक्खिणं पिव गगणं

A bird has been engaged in a golden cage. Some delicious fruits have been placed before him. He is provided with sweet and pure water in a glass of silver. His master is requesting him but he doesn’t open his beak. He spreads his wings with hopeless eyes fixed on the infinite sphere of the blue firmament. The master’s daughter sensing his agony frees him. He thanks her in deep gratitude and merges with the infinite blue sky. His eyes dazzle and his countenance reflects inexplicable bliss of flying in a free open sky. So the souls of living creatures encaged in bodies gets this extensive bliss of floating in an infinite blue firmament like the free bird. The power of non-violence is the only power that can nourish with the same bliss.

तिसियाणं पिव सलल

In a scorching afternoon of May, the sun glows with youthful vigour. Driven by thirst and fatigue of a long journey on foot, a man is on the verge of death. In such an hour of emergency cold and sweet water saves the dying man. His movements get a new sway. In a similar way non-violence has the power to infuse us with new life.

खुहियाणं पिव असणं

It is a well-known fact that the pang of hunger becomes unbearable when accompanied by North winds during winter. In such a state when someone loses the last hope of getting a little food, his countenance reflects a sort of helplessness limbs grow weak, occasional black outs and he loses his sense repeatedly. In such a hostile situation when a person gets his favourite food he gets animated once again. Such animation and liveliness is felt in the penance of non-violence.

  समुद्दमज्झे व पोतवणं

How long could a drowning man in a stormy ocean fight the rising tides? The farther he finds the shore away the more he becomes apprehensive of his perilous situation. At this hour if he finds an island nearby what overwhelming joy engulfs him. The proximity of non-violence has the power to provide infinite bliss to a creature.

चउप्पयाणं व आसमपदं

Terrified by the wild animals of forest when a deer comes across the premise of a small hermitage of a recluse he loiters there fearlessly. He gets free of all intimidation and fear. Similarly, a man practicing non-violence becomes fearless and indivisible.

दुहटिटयाणं व ओसहिबलं

Affected by a long prolonged disease, the ignorance of doctors, lack of proper care and medicines make a person disappointed with life. In such a critical hour if he gets a compassionate and an able physician whose medicines work wonders like life giver herbs, then the patient gets a strong prop to recline against. The support of non-violence is even stronger than that.

अडवीमज्झे  सत्यगमणं

On a starkly dark night in a deep forest where a traveller is lost, finds no way to escape and his courage also seems to be failing. On the one hand there is fear of wild animals and on the other there is - unidentified path that seems to be leading nowhere. The traveller feels lost in such a circumstance. At the same time if he finds a chariot rider who is well aware of the path then he regains his confidence and successfully accomplishes his journey. In a similar way finding a rider of non-violent chariot helps one to cross the rugged terrain of life.

A non-violent disposition always carries all the qualities of spiritual evolution that is unique and incomparable. The refuge for fear afflicted persons free open sky for the birds, water for thirsty, food for the famished, an island in a perilous ocean, a vast premise of a hermitage for innocent animals, consumption of medicine for a patient and an able chariot rider for a lost traveller in a forest serves the same need that non-violence provides to all living creatures hankering for fulfilment. It is the strongest refuge of all.


Title: Ocean Of Problems
Author: Acharya Tulsi
Publisher: Jain Vishwa Bharati, Ladnun
Digital Publishing:
Amit Kumar Jain
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  1. Fear
  2. Journey on Foot
  3. Non-violence
  4. Violence
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