The Support Of Faith: 96 ►Person and the Community

Published: 07.04.2020

Family, institution, party, caste, society, nation and the world— whatever may be—the basic ingredient is person. If person is not - available, who will drive the car of family? Who will administer the institution? Who will improve the existence of the institution? Who will sort out the solution of provincial problems? And who will emerge in universal scenario?

It is a fact that the community has the power. Now the question arises who is the creator of the community? What is the source of power? Rejecting the existence of the person the community does not formulate nor does the power explode. Whenever the sound identity of the community provincial, the person plays the pivotal role. If the person is healthy, liberal, manly and creative, sound status of the community will be recognized.

An institution is performing well. Its contribution is beneficial to the entire society and the nation. But how long it will be active? Its utility depends on competent leadership. If the leadership is weak, the institution will stumble. The society and the nation also have to pass through this situation. The society, where competent leader is not present, cannot bear the challenges of the age. If the regulator of the nation is not able enough, he cannot provide stable and peaceful future to his people.

If the person is centrically positioned, it does not mean that we are against the society and the nation. We have faith in the concept of collectivism. Not only in social and provincial sphere, but also in religious sphere collective involvement has its own value. But the progress and success of the community depends on the person. Hence, it is required that the attention is to be concentrated on the process of grooming the persons.

All the political parties and institutions before us are person- oriented. They safeguard their existence keeping a influential personality in the centre. We have seen the age of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He has the influence on his party. Lakhs of people were desirous to see him or meet him. In the context of curiosity alike how Nehru speaks, how he walks, what he does etc.—simply attracted them. Many such instances will be found.

A person is undoubtedly important, but more important is the of person. It is easy to talk about the grooming of person, but its process is very complex. Rather it should be said that the person is not groomed rather he is originated. Possibility of his improvement, purification and refinement cannot be ignored. Now the question arises who will purify and refine? As such entire issue is again centered on the person.

Whether it is creation or destruction, improvement or disruption? A person plays the prominent role. That is why Anuvrat relies on the grooming of persons. It proclaims-

सुधरे व्यक्ति, समाज व्यक्ति से राष्ट्र स्वयं सुधरेगा ।
'तुलसी' अणुव्रत-सिंहनाद सारे जग में पधरेगा ॥

(First of all, the person should improve. From person to the society, from society to the nation and from the nation to the world—this is the procedure of improvement. A person’s good views cannot be effective without collective conjunction—this is another factor. But definitely it is a fact that in the absence of influential person, reputed institutions tum into a ruin.

The ruling party of the country—congress is before us. We have witnessed its several profiles. Sometimes we have observed it climbing to the top of excellence and sometimes we have found it scrambling beneath. Sometimes it is stumbling and sometimes It is facing the adverse situations boldly. In the phase of ups and down of the party now the rein of the party are in hands of P.V. Narsimha Rao.


Title:  The Support Of Faith

Acharya Tulsi


Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha

Publisher:  Jain Vishwa Bharati, Ladnun
Digital Publishing: 
Amit Kumar Jain

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