Jeevan Vigyan - 8: Lesson-13 : Halasana

Published: 02.10.2018

While performing Halsana, the body assumes the shape of a plough. That is why this asana is known as Halasana. A lot has been written in praise of this asana in ancient scriptures. It is also considered that this asana bestows extra-ordinary wisdom on those who perform it. As per YOG BHASHYA Halasana enlightens one who performs it regularly. Let us learn how to perform this asana.


    1. Firstly, lie down straight on your back.
    2. Keep the feet together. Hands should touch thighs. Finger will remain close to each other.
    3. Now inhale and lift the legs slowly to bring them at the top of head. Now exhale and take the feet over the top of head and place them on the ground behind your head.
    4. In initial stages, you may not be able to take your feet farther while placing them on the ground. But as you keep on practicing, you will bring yourself up to this stage. This is the final position of the Halasana.
    5. Now inhale and gradually return to the original position. Respiration should continue at the normal rate.



Halasana has beneficial effects on the digestive system, spine, shoulders, neck etc. We have already studied about these organs in previous lessons.


The Halasana eliminates indigestion. It restores natural appetite. It is very useful for those who suffer from the ailments of liver and stomach. Spine becomes stronger. It is also beneficial for people suffering from diabetes and hernia. Halasana is very good for professionals involved in mental activities. This is the best exercise for achieving sound physical and mental health.


    1. Describe the advantages of the Halasana.
    2. Describe the procedure to perform the Halasana.
Title: Jeevan Vigyan - 8

Muni Kishan lal

Dr. Shiv Kumar Sharma

Shubh Karan Surana

Editor: Muni Dhamendra Kumar
Publisher: Jeevan Vigyan Academy
Digital Publishing:
Amit Kumar Jain

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  1. Asana
  2. Body
  3. Halasana
  4. Yog
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