Jain Doctors' International Conference, January 2005 at Mumbai, India

Published: 10.01.2005
Updated: 02.07.2015

Jain Doctors' International Conference
"An Amalgamation of Science and Spirituality for Living"
held at Terapanth Bhawan on 8th and 9th January 2005 at Mumbai.

More than 2,000 Jain Doctors from 6 countries and 22 states gathered at the Terapanth Bhawan on Saturday and Sunday, January 8 and 9, 2005, at the Second Jain Doctors' International Conference. The two day event, titled, ''Science and Spirituality for Global Peace' was a memorable meet of eminent Doctors, erudite Jain scholars and experts who enlightened people with their scientific knowledge interspersed with a touch of spirituality.

It was a unique event as the four sects of the Jains and Doctors from all over gathered under one umbrella. Acharya Padmasagarji said to the enthusiastic audience, "A Sadhu is also a Doctor, and right food is the best medicine. Just as the doctor cures diseases, a Sadhu too helps to guide the aspirant and show the true path to a better living".

Naya Padmasagarji gave excellent discourses and said that love, brotherhood, benevolence [paropkar] are the highest form of religion, the most essential virtue that every Jain should bear in mind.
On the first day of the Conference, Smt. Indu Jain, Chairperson of Times Foundation, inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp and inspired the audience to convert the passion for their profession into compassion for the sick and needy.

Mr. A. P. Srivastava, Post Master General, released a special cover to commemorate the occasion. The other prominent guests present at the occasion were Shri Prakash Jain, Mr. Khyali Tated, Mr. Vijaybhai Mehta.
Eminent speakers in their respective fields of medicine enlightened the audience on attaining physical, mental and spiritual health. Dr. M. M. Begani and Dr. Sudhir Shah conducted the scientific session on both days very smoothly.

Renowned physician Dr. Farokh Udwadia spoke in detail about the "ETHICS IN MEDICINE" and emphasized that the Principles of Jainism run parallel to the Ethics in medicine, and that it is the duty of every doctor to work for the welfare of mankind with minimum possible violence. He should abide by truth and be just to his patient.

Padmabhushan awardee Mr. Muzaffar Hussain spoke on "WORLD PEACE BY JAINISM" and stressed that world peace can be achieved only by following the principles of Jainism. Jainism is not only a medical science but the ladder to obtain world peace. If science had really progressed, the recent Tsunami Disaster would never have occurred?

Renowned physician, Dr. Nitin Shah from USA spoke on, "ANIMAL CRUELTY IN MEDICAL RESEARCH", and laid stress on having a humanitarian approach towards mankind and animals,and use the Ahinsak Padhati in medicine. Innocent animals should not be killed for selfish purposes, he added. The principle of non-violence must be observed.

Mrs. Raksha Shah presented a paper on ''PRATIKRAMANA - THE HOLISTIC HEALER”. She said that rituals like Pratikramana is a SPIRITUAL TONIC needing no prescription, having no side-effects, it rather benefits the OBSERVER, and PURIFIES his thoughts ultimately resulting in good deeds to reduce stress that is responsible for diseases like B.P, Cardiac Problems, Cancer and AIDS. She quoted President Jimmy Carter who said, "Forgiving is one of the most difficult things for a human being to do, but putting yourself in the position of the other person, and understanding him would help in wiping away resentment''.

Dr. Sudhir Shah spoke on, "JAINISM - A SUPERSCIENCE'' and said that all the Jain textbooks are full of science. His message to all Jain doctors was to keep faith and be dedicated to their religion and spread knowledge for global welfare. "Jainism has described the principles of physics, in details and depth. The Theory of Relativity, Law of Conservation of Energy, the Structure of Atom, etc has been described in scriptures at length. We have to come forward and unravel the mystery", he added.

Shri Anoop Vora President of JAINA, USA spoke on the UNIQUE PRINCIPLES OF JAINISM" and gave an overview on the principles of non-violence, Anekantwad and non-possessiveness which can help live amicably, in harmony with all.
Dr. Hemraj Chandalia explained how the serious killer disease, diabetes could be controlled by observing the principles laid down by Lord Mahavira. The change in lifestyle by way of observing the vows like eating less [Unodari], etc. and having a self restrained behaviour could go a long way to prevent it.

The 2nd day of the conference was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Dr. B. K. Goyal lit the lamp. Dr. Kewal P. Jain had given an audiovisual presentation on the need of spirituality in scientific endeavours. He also talked about the need of JDF in present context.
Dr. Praful Desai who spoke on science, medicine and religion said that true religion is actually the good deeds performed by an individual.
Dr. B. Hegde pointed out that the main cause of diseases is hatred, hostility and frustration.

Shri Chitrabhanuji spoke on the need to heal ourselves and then in turn heal others.

Dr. Natubhai Shah who came from UK gave an international perspective of Jainism.

Dr. Ashwin Mehta said that prevention of heart diseases should begin in childhood and be followed by a vegetarian diet,and a diet low in salt to prevent Coronary artery diseases and hypertension. The various Tapas, like Ayambil, Updhan, Varsitap would help keep a check on diseases.

Dr. Sharad Shah talked about gastrointestinal diseases and Jain religion and emphasized on the fact that by avoiding Krodh, Man, Maya and Moh we could prevent various ailments like gastric ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases.

Dr. Dhananjay Gunde from Kolhapur gave a talk on how stress, worries, anger, frustration could destroy health.

Dr. Bharat Parmar proposed vote of thanks to all for the success of the conference and declared future projects of JDF Mumbai viz Rs.1,11,111 declared towards research for Ahinsak chikitsa, to start 2 Diagnostic centres in city of Mumbai for the common people at no profit no loss bases, to honour achievers in the medical field annually students and doctors, to have religious tour of Jain tirth once in a year, to organize seminars for the member every two month for the knowledge of Jainism by eminent scholars or Maharaj saheb.

The mission of the two-day Conference, was very well fulfilled. The presence of doctors from the world over, who promised and joined hands to work together globally for the welfare of the people was a positive gesture. The principles of science, blended with spirituality will go a long way towards the evolution of a value-based society for the welfare of the individual, the society, the nation and the world".


Courtesy: Ms. Raksha Shah [email protected]

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Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acharya
  2. Anger
  3. Ayambil
  4. Bhawan
  5. Chitrabhanuji
  6. JAINA
  7. Jain Doctors' International Conference
  8. Jaina
  9. Jainism
  10. Kolhapur
  11. Krodh
  12. Mahavira
  13. Maya
  14. Mumbai
  15. Natubhai Shah
  16. Naya
  17. Non-violence
  18. Pratikramana
  19. Sadhu
  20. Science
  21. Tapas
  22. Terapanth
  23. Tirth
  24. Violence
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