Light To Lamp Lights: 26 ►Project of Anuvrati Family

Published: 09.09.2019

The modern way of living has abandoned the joint family system bringing into vogue the culture of nuclear families. Ever since the beginning of migra­tion of people from the villages to the city, the foundation of human relations seems to be shifting. Family relations are gradually becoming loathsome. The problems relating to education, profession, housing etc. have also put a question-mark in front of large families. In nuclear families the heritage of sanskaras, culture and tradition is being shattered. Many people are experiencing its tragic impact, but the way of putting an end to it is evading us. That is why Indian culture, civilization and social envi­ronment have undergone deterioration.

The structure of the present age is based on the culture of consumerism. In the present day lifestyle, basic requirements have been completely overshad­owed by ambitions. The common man is losing the sense of direction since there is no longer any mark of distinction between the basic needs and ambitions. Any awareness about self-restraint or vows is becoming fainter day by day. Under these circum­stances, it is necessary to carry on a campaign or a solemn programme that can awaken the awareness about the vows that lie dormant in the minds of all people. The anuvrat campaign can play an important role in fulfilling this expectation.

Reform in the individual is the basis of social reform. Depending on this concept, anuvrat has awakened the consciousness of the people. Padayatras were undertaken all over the country in order to spread the mission of anuvrat among the people. It took about four decades and the arduous efforts on the part of hundreds of sadhus and sadhvis, monks and nuns and the workers devoted to anuvrat. The message of anuvrat echoed throughout the country. There were active vibrations of anuvrat in the midst of the foreign dominated atmosphere. In spite of that it was not possible to build any integrated forum organisation or group. Project of organising Anuvrat Families is a programme to fill this vacuum. It is an endeavour which would, in accordance with adage that 'one lamp lights another lamp' would transmit into the whole family the moral awareness awak­ened in an individual.

The Anuvrat Family is not a campaign, nor a proclamation. Nor is it a show-piece. Anuvrat family would have its own way of life. One member of this family, who is enlightened given to thinking seriously and processing a sense of discretion, should resolve to follow the path of anuvrat. Violence or aggressiveness would have no place in is mental disposition. E would not be party to any acts of sabotage. He would not regard anyone as small or big on the basis of community, colour etc. He would have no faith in spreading communal passions. He would not allow his professional honesty to be harmed. He would practice continence and set a limit to accumulation of wealth. He would not resort to immoral electoral practices. He would not support evil social customs. He would be free from addictions and would be fully cognisant of the problems of environment.

Any person who follows this minimal code of conduct related to human values is the follower of anuvrat. And person who has resolved to bring his family round to follow this code of conduct and to kindle faith is some of the vows among his family members, can become a member of the Anuvrat Family Project. All India Anuvrat Samiti has pre­pared the folders about the Anuvrat Family Project and has started distributing them. It is the duty of the people devoted to anuvrat to read these folders, grasp the purpose of the plan and actively partici­pate in implementing that plan.

The Anuvrat Family would not appeal only in the name of the anuvrat ideals, but would live by them. That is why instead of reaching thousands of people, it should be practised in select number of families. If we can bring one thousand families under the Anuvrat Family Project and awaken in them a feeling of brotherhood, the rise of a collective moral power is certain. I am firmly convinced that the Anuvrat Family Project would make headway and with happy results, would fulfil the hopes and aspirations of mankind.

Title: Light To Light Lamps
Author: Acharya Tulsi
Traslation In English By: Saralaji
Publisher: Adarsh Sahitya Sangh
Digital Publishing:
Amit Kumar Jain

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  1. Anuvrat
  2. Consciousness
  3. Consumerism
  4. Environment
  5. Sadhus
  6. Sadhvis
  7. Samiti
  8. Violence
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