24.08.2019 ►Bangalore ►Preksha meditation workshop on holistic health

Published: 26.08.2019

Bangalore: 24.08.2019

Preksha dhyan and Jeevan vigyan team of Bangalore organised a workshop on holistic health based on digestive system disorders on 24th and 25th of August at Tulsi Chetna kendra, Bangalore with blessings of Aachrya Sri mahashraman.

There were about 60 participants with age group of 25 to 70 who attended the workshop.There were about 15 trainers. The topics covered in the workshop were the theory and practical of asana, pranayam, yogic exercise of abdomen and breath, mantra, mudra, preksha dhyan, anupreksha, kayotsarg, acupressure, kunjal, laghu shankprakshalan, psychology test for anxiety, digestive system physiology, meaning, causes, signs and symptoms of digestive disorders, stress management.

Source: Preksha trainer Anil Khater Bangalore

Preksha Foundation
Edited by Amit Jain

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        1. Amit Jain
        2. Asana
        3. Bangalore
        4. Dhyan
        5. Jeevan Vigyan
        6. Kayotsarg
        7. Kendra
        8. Mahashraman
        9. Mantra
        10. Mudra
        11. Pranayam
        12. Preksha
        13. Preksha Dhyan
        14. Preksha Foundation
        15. Tulsi
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