Invitation To Health: 14 ►Searching Natural In Artificial

Published: 24.03.2017

Searching Natural In Artificial

The Japanese doctor K.G. Honda has become successful in producing artificial blood. This information is astonishing but it is not startling in the age of production of artificial limbs, and evolution of new species. Human being will hear through teeth. By using lenses a person blinded by cataract can get vision. Changes are taking place fast in the fields of medicine and biology. These changes have generated many new problems. The dawn of twenty first century will be shining with the faint splendour of these questions.

Religion and science

Scientists engaged in genetic researches are occupied in producing new creation. Some poisonous germs have been produced. Patrol consuming germs are consuming petrol on the surface of sea and water becomes devoid of oil. Sulfur-consuming germs eating sulfur purify air. Production of new creation is not as surprising as surprising is the attempt to produce self-willed offspring. It will be possible to produce children expert in intellectual, scientific or business spheres or in surgery. Will children with character also be produced? If this will happen then the world will be liberated from the danger of war, armamentarium, terrorism, crime and indiscipline. The preaching of religion has not been very much successful in making human moral. Despite so many religious preaching the rounds from war to indiscipline are continuing in the world. If science could be able to take over this responsibility of religion, then what shall be the need to draw a line of demarcation between science and religion?

Question of personality-formation

If it is possible to produce personality of desired qualities by cutting and rearranging in the existing semen and menstrual fluid, then it will be the greatest scientific achievement. Then there will be no need for effort of personality-formation. According to the theory of Karma in human being there are two processes present-positive and negative. By making negative process passive and by turning positive process active a person can become good. This work is possible by self-effort {puruṣārha) of human individual but the philosophy of Karma has no process of cutting and rearranging for this.

Atmosphere of unimaginable competition

Today greatest problem is that of personality-formation. The biggest trait of personality is character uniqueness. Sowing of its seed is not being done. Materialistic conceptions and monetary allurements have created an atmosphere of unimaginable competition. In economic race, no one wants to lag. All energies are being poured as oblation at the altar of earning money. Words like morality, honesty, truth etc. are changing their meaning. It is surprising that the leaders of society are engaged in scam about religious matters. When big business men, industrialists and people seated on the throne of power are doing this then what can be said about others?

Development and restraint

Today everywhere talk about economic development is heard. Teaching and training of it is available. Every nation is engrossed in the worry for economic development. The voice of economic restraint has become very feeble. Its pronouncement is slowing down and there are very few people to listen to it also. Will a person engaged in the resolve of mere economic development escape from embezzlement and economic scam? Development and restraint both are relational. Balance of the two alone can provide solution to social problems. An advice and planning of a saint in religious matters can be as much beneficial as an advice of an economist in economic matters. Advice is of that saint who himself is not attached to wealth.

The cause of crime

The excess of greed and desire has brought about a chain of social crimes. Needed labour, needed production and required supply—with these there is no rise of crime. With any individual or nation when there is more than needed extra accumulation then it clears the way for crime and that is why along with economic development there is a necessity of economic restraint. The dictum of economic restraint is beyond the comprehension of contemporary human. The arguments for economic usefulness are so strong that before them it cannot stand. It has no logic of its own nor does it have any utility. That is a truth. Truth is so very evident that to understand it there is no need of any argument. There is reflection in a mirror. For it no reason can be presented. If the society is to be liberated from economic crimes, then economic restraint has to be understood. Whether today or tomorrow (this has to be done).

Title: Invitation To Health
Author: Acharya Mahaprajna
Publisher: Adarsh Sahitya Sangh
Edition: 2013
HN4U Digital Edition: Ratna & Amit Kumar Jain

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  1. Greed
  2. Karma
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