The Vision Of A New Society: 18 ►Freedom from Tension

Published: 23.10.2019

Tension is one of the big problems of the present age. The plain meaning of tension is strain, which can be physical, mental and emotional. Physical activity beyond one's capacity leads to physical tension. Thinking beyond a particular limit causes mental tension. Imbalanced impulses result in emotional tension. Any kind of tension makes a person unnatural and restless. When one is tense, he does not feel inclined to eat, he cannot concentrate on any work and he is not able to think properly. That is why tension is included in the category of the diseases difficult to cure.

Any Situation can Lead to Tension

It is very difficult to decide exactly if there were tensions in ancient times. In the present age, however, tension can be seen among the people of any class or in any situation. The student's life, which should be free from anxiety in every way, has not been free from tension.

What causes tension among small children? When we think about this question, we find that this related to unfavorable psychological situations. It is fine if the demands of the children, weather justified or not, is met. Otherwise, there is tension. Their time meant for studies is spent in fun and frolic and before the television. They are not able to do well in the examinations. The results of the examinations are contrary to their expec­tation, and the students are overcome with tension.

Youth is the most active stage of life in which a person can plunge into action, can get excited about things and can do something. But the slightest distur­bance in the family causes tension for him. Even the minor ups and downs in the profession become unbear­able for him. Physical upsets make him restless. As a result, he is thrown in the grip of tension. To be free of those tensions, he takes to intoxicating drugs. For a while, he feels relieved of his tensions. But once the intoxication wears off, he feels tenser than before. The tenser he feels, the more he goes for intoxication. Thus begins a vicious circle, which ultimately leads the person to suicide or pushes him to the precipice of dejection.

In old age, a person is free from all his responsibili­ties. Why should he be facing tensions in his life? But in the present day style of living, probably no other stage is as pitiable as the old age. Following the Western mode of life, the youth of today wishes to be independent. Forgetting the sense of duty towards his parents he believes that they are a burden on him. They live like guests in their own homes or suffer the stings of neglect. That is why the idea of establishing the homes for the old, help age centers for Samadhi, etc is gaining ground in our society.

Why, does Tension Arise?

When we accept tension as an illness, we are faced with the problem of its treatment. The homoeopathic treatment is based on knowing the symptoms. If the exact symptoms are discovered, just a few drops of a particular medicine or a single dose of a powder helps the patient. Tension too does not come without any reason. It can be treated only when its exact causes are known. If I have to find out those causes, I cannot give any particular information out of my personal experience. I never heard a word like tension in my childhood. Even after entering the ninth decade of my life, I knew very little about tension. Whether it is my own sadhana, a blessing of nature or the grace of my gurus, the fact is that I do not know what tension means.

While shouldering the responsibility of the Dharma Sangh, I am faced with all kinds of situations. If the situation is formidable, it may disturb me momentarily. But I soon regain my composure. That is why I am always mentally calm and I keep my equipoise. In this context, I can use my own experience and say that only those people suffer from tensions who have no control over themselves. The problem of the tension arises in the case of those persons who do not free individuals, but automatons. The evidence of their mechanical life is the assessment of their own life according to the assessment by others. Those who think their own actions are good or bad because others say so, can never think indepen­dently.
"I am Grimaldi Myself"

Some people endure their tensions in their state of illness. For them, their professions, work of their organisation, social and family responsibilities, etc. are a burden. Because of their physical weakness, they are not able to bear that burden. As a result, they have a nervous breakdown. Some people lose hope when they are afflicted by incurable diseases like cancer. That situation drives them into the state of tension or depression. The physician to whom they go for reassurance and mental calm is himself suffering from tension. How can the person who is himself suffering from that illness treat another person?

If we seriously consider the problem of tension, it appears that the physician has no medicine for it. The only unfailing treatment of tension is meditation. Count­less people have found relief from tension by practicing meditation. Today also if anyone wishes to live a tension-free life, he should practice meditation.

A renowned British comedian once went to a doctor with the problem of restlessness. During the preliminary examination and questioning the doctor found that the patient was not physically but mentally ill. After a little thought, the doctor said to the patient, "Go to Grimaldi if you wish to get well. Stay with him for a week and you would be fine." Grimaldi started laughing at the doctor's suggestion. When the doctor asked him what made him laugh he said, "I am Grimaldi myself. With whom should I stay?"

Tension can be Treated

The simplest way to get relief from tension is bheda-vignan.[1]The person who realises and experiences the distinction between the soul and the body can never be in tension. For this, it is necessary to follow the dictum that "the soul is one thing, the body is another thing,[2]" and practices intense anupreksha. If an ascetic who concentrates his mind on the distinction between the black gram and paddy in the absence of the subsidence of his knowledge can reach the high peak of kevalajnana[3]by climbing the series of gunasthanas, why can he not be free from tension? The thorough grasp of the meaning of the following couplet can be very useful for continuous thinking about the distinction of the soul and the body: The Soul and the body are different. Do not think them as one. Gold, though mingled with the dross in after all gold.[4]

The person who eats sugar experiences sweetness. Those who have no knowledge about mediation, anupreksha, etc. ask if it is really possible to find relief from tension. How could I convince them? How could I explain to them that merely by going on thinking about the distinction between the black gram and the paddy, one rises a stage higher? I can only tell them that nothing is impossible in the present age.

It is Good if Mist of Despair is Lifted

When we were children of five or seven years, we had heard that man would go to the moon and build cities there and he would live in those cities. But we ridiculed the scientists for this. What they talked did not seem to us anything more than an empty boast. But what was the use of our making fun of them? The scientists continued their experiments, and one day, they did step on the moon. How could that act, which was done in public view be rejected? Looking at these things, one likes to believe that what appears impossible today may become possible tomorrow. When man can invent new things, when he can travel by space ships and roam in the universe, when he can descend on the places like the moon and study the conditions over there, what is it that he cannot do?

A particular task may be difficult to carry out. But once it has been carried out, what does it matter if it was difficult or easy? Any person who resigns himself by believing that a particular thing is hard to do, would never be able to do anything at all. If one firmly resolves to make a beginning, no task would be difficult.

It is said that in the present age, there cannot be anything like omniscience. There can be no manahparyava[5]knowledge. Why? In my view, presuming such a thing itself is a weakness. Who can prevent the highest sadhna one may do in the present age? In every field, there is an utsargamarga[6]as there is an apavadmarga.[7]But that can be beneficial only when the mist of despair lifts.

A successful Experiment

I believe in experiments. I have done many experi­ments in my life. I wish to discuss one of those experiments here. In 1993, during the Rajaldesar Chaturmasa, I developed sciatica pain in my legs. The doctor advised complete rest. That was the first occasion in my life when I was advised to take such complete rest. I was in despair at the thought of lying stretched the whole day. But I was soon on the alert. I thought to myself, "Why despair like this? The doctor says that only one nerve was getting pressed and it would be all fine if I take rest."

I said to myself, "If I allow myself to drift in negative feelings, what shall I say to others? I must accept the situation with a positive attitude." In order to give a positive turn to my thoughts, I composed a verse in Sanskrit:

"Let joy emanate from every pore of my body. Let each moment of mine be cheerful. This time of complete rest is for me the time for the special sadhana of kayotsarga. Lying comfortably in the state of kayotsarga, I feel myself calm.[8]"

My Dharma Sangh also participated with me in this continuous thinking about mental calm. The good wishes of the Sangh for my good health gave me sufficient strength. I recovered. My belief in spiritual support was further confirmed. The following couplet can also be a support to maintain equipoise in any situation in life:

"What is not to happen will not happen and what is to happen will always happen. Why should you lose patience by worrying unnecessarily?[9]"

Constant meditation on this couplet changed the course of my thinking. I felt myself calm within. The change of feelings with the change of outlook is not merely a matter of principle. One's confidence in himself goes a long way to help. What is needed is the readiness to put into practice every principle with dedication and firm resolve.

If the persons seeking relief from tension change their way of life, keep themselves free from the web of memories of the past and apprehensions about the future, practice of anupreksha, observation of samavritti,[10]breathing and kayotsarg, the tight grip of tension would automatically loosen.


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Title:  The Vision Of New Society
Author:  Acharya Tulsi
Publisher:  Adarsh Sahitya Sangh
Digital Publishing: 
Amit Kumar Jain

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  1. Body
  2. Chaturmasa
  3. Contemplation
  4. Dharma
  5. Gunasthanas
  6. Karma
  7. Kayotsarg
  8. Kayotsarga
  9. Meditation
  10. Rajaldesar
  11. Sadhana
  12. Sadhna
  13. Samadhi
  14. Sangh
  15. Sanskrit
  16. Soul
  17. Space
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