Jeevan Vigyan - 8: Lesson-25 : Sleep

Published: 14.10.2018

It is important to work; but it is equally important to take rest. Our body gets full rest after a sound sleep. We have read that while sleeping we consume up only 60 calories per hour, i.e., we require minimum energy. It is quite natural to get a long and sound sleep after physical and mental exertion. The old saying is that day is meant to work, while night is meant to rest. But with the advancement in scientific field, conditions at night are not much different than they are during the day. Modern man spends his night in clubs and other places entertaining himself. Instead of taking rest at night, man remains occupied in some or the other activities. As a result, he does not get a sound sleep and proper rest. Therefore, he remains physically and mentally tired. In order to fight this fatigue many people start taking intoxicating drugs. Even then, they remain tensed.

In order to keep our mind fresh and our body alert, it is essential that we should have a long and sound sleep according to our age-group. Children need to sleep for longer hours. Young people should do with 7 to 8 hours. In old age, sleeping time is vastly reduced. Therefore, old people should do some adequate physical labour according to their capacity to enhance the duration of sleep.

If during the day we work in a planned way, without wasting time on trifles, we will have the night time at our disposal to take rest. We would then be healthy, both physically and mentally.

If one finds time, one may sleep for half an hour after lunch. This daytime nap is beneficial for health. It is also said that 2-3 hours of sleep during the night is equivalent to half an hour's sleep during the day. But one must not go to sleep during daytime in the winter season.

We have mentioned about KAYOTSARG in the previous lessons of this book. Practice of KAYOTSARG is helpful in inducing one to sleep. We are revising it here in brief. Following are the stages of Kayotsarg:

    1. While going to bed at night, lie down straight on your bed.
    2. Inhale and take your both arms up and stretch them upward, exerting tension on them.
    3. Exhale and bringing back both the hands to the original position.
    4. Repeat the action indicated in stages 2 and 3, three times.
    5. Now loosen the body. There should not be any tension anywhere in the body. Release the body from your control and loosen your grip completely.
    6. Close your eyes. Respire naturally and gently. Try to concentrate your mind with each inhalation.
    7. Conceive that along with every inhalation, peace is filling up your body through all pores.
    8. While exhaling, conceive that peace is spreading all around you in the room.
    9. As long as you do not actually fall asleep, continue to conceive the thoughts indicated in stages 7 and 8.

Following are the out comes of this action:

    1. Sleep comes immediately and is sound in nature.
    2. Nightmares and painful entanglements disappear.
    3. Nature changes to deliver oneself free from sudden urges, reactions and tension.
    4. Memory becomes sharp.

By constant practice of this experiment for three to six months, all these results would be clearly discernible in the life of the person Abhyasi. The sleep that comes after KAYOTSARG is known as YOGA NIDRA.


    1. What is the relation between sleep and good health?
    2. Why is it necessary to carry out the exercise of Kayotsarg?
    3. What are the benefits of sleep caused by Kayotsarg and what is the name of this sleep?
Title: Jeevan Vigyan - 8

Muni Kishan lal

Dr. Shiv Kumar Sharma

Shubh Karan Surana

Editor: Muni Dhamendra Kumar
Publisher: Jeevan Vigyan Academy
Digital Publishing:
Amit Kumar Jain

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  2. Kayotsarg
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