Mahāvīra and His Teachings

Published: 08.03.2011
Updated: 31.07.2012
Mahavira and His Teachings

This miscellany volume contains a collection of essay by the most important scholars on Jainology, both from India and the Western World. The collection was published on the occasion of 2500th anniversary of Bhagavan Mahavira's Nirvana.

Editorial Board:

  • Dr. A.N. Upadhye
  • Dr. Nathmal Tatia
  • Pt. Dalsukh Malvania
  • Dr. Mohanlal Mehta
  • Dr. Nemichand Shastri
  • Pt. Kailashchandra Shast
Editors: C.C. Shah, Rishabhdas Ranka
Publisher: Bhagavan Mahavira 2500th Nirvana Mahotsava Samiti, Bombay
Edition: 1977
Pages: vii + 461
Dimensions: 16 x 24 cm


Editorial Note:

Bhagvān Mahāvīra who as a great religious leader dominated sixth century B. C. in India is one of the greatest champions of dignity of man. According to him even the gods crave for human birth and are inferior to men. To have the freedom from bondage is the exclusive right of man according to him. Thus he is the first amongst other religious leaders to establish the human-right for freedom. Not only this he was the first amongst all religious leader to proclaim that all living beings have equal right to live on this earth and so no one should be killed for the selfish end. This type of non-violence was preached for the first time by him proclaiming the Sāmāyika. i.e., equality for all the living beings. This Sāmāyika was the basic vow for the aspirant for freedom. And he said that one cannot be a non-violent person unless he rejects all his possessions, i.e., he should be free from desire and attachment.

Science has made great progress in achieving the human comforts no doubt but the human community has become greedy and violent and the invention of the atom bomb in the hand of some is a great threat not only to the human society, as a whole but to all the living beings. In such circumstances it is necessary to remember our ancient preachers like Mahāvīra and Buddha who have found out the way of liberation, freedom and peace for the living beings.

In view of the fact that 2500th year of Nirvana of Bhagavān Mahāvīra, the last Tīrthaṅkara of the Jainas was due on 13th Nov. 1974, the Jaina Community established the "Bhagavān Mahāvīra 2500th Nirvana Mahotsava Samiti" in Bombay in 1968 for the celebrations of the historic event in a proper manner. Lord Mahāvīra was not the leader of the Jainas only. He was one of the many great men produced by humanity throughout the world in the past. And hence the Government of India also took interest in celebrations and sponsored the celebrations throughout India.

In order to perpetuate the memory of the celebrations it was thought proper by the said Mahotsva Samiti, that literature of abiding value should be published. So, the Samiti resolved to publish two volumes in memory of the celebrations - (1) Jainism through the ages and (2) Mahāvīra and his Teachings. - The Samiti established an Editorial Board for the purpose and one senior member of the Board, Dr. A.N. Upadhye was requested to be in charge of the correspondence with the scholars. Dr. Upadhye established the contacts with many scholars and was able to collect the articles from them for two volumes. Dr. Upadhye was keen in publishing the volumes. With the co-operation of other members of the Editorial Board he finalised the press copy of this volume and it was given to the press in March 1974. But it is a matter of great regret that the publication is delayed due to the circumstances beyond our control and Dr. Upadhye passed away on 8th Oct., 1975 without seeing the results of his scholarly labour in producing this volume. Only with heavy heart we have to remember and thank the departed scholar.

We have to thank all the contributors of this volume, which includes only the English Articles. The Hindi articles are to be published in a separate volume. We must apologise all the learned scholars who have contributed to this volume for the delay in publishing this volume. During these years our contributors - Dr. Williams, Dr. Buddha Prakash and Prof. Nilkanta Shastri passed away and we regret for them.

We have to thank Shri Bal Patil who helped Dr. Upadhye in collecting the articles and in editorial work. Our thanks are also due to Shri Ramesh D. Malvania who assisted in Editing and also shouldered very gladly the responsibility of seeing the volume through the press.

We hope that the Samiti will also publish in due course the Hindi articles of this volume and also the volume 'Jainism through the ages' which requires some articles to be added.

Editorial Board is grateful to the Mahotsava Samiti for giving an opportunity to serve a good cause.

D.D. Malvania

Member Editorial Board


I. Literature
1. L. Alsdorf ►Jaina exegetical literature and the history of the Jaina canon
2. K.R. Norman Kaviliyam: A metrical analysis of the eighth chapter of the Uttaradhyayana-sutra.
3. C. Tripathi/B. Bhatt The barasa anuvekkha of Kundakunda
4. V. Muthuccumaru Jivakacintamani, a channel of Mahaviras teachings
5. L. Sternbach On some non-canonical subhasita collections in Jaina literature
6. L.A. Schwarzschild Variant forms of the locative in middle indo-aryan
7. E. Bender Towards a lexicon of old-gujarati
II. Religion
8. P.S. Jaini Bhavyatva and abhavyatva. A Jain doctrine of 'predestination'
9. C. Caillat Fasting unto death according to Ayaranga-sutta and to some Painnayas
10. K.C. Sogani Jaina mysticism
11. S.B.P. Sinha Relevance of Jaina ethics in the present age
12. H. Rau Jainism and influences from western social reformers in Gandhiji's weltanschauung
13. G.R. Jain Hindu and Jaina concepts of Mahapralaya versus modern science
14. S. Gajapathi How it works
III. Mahavira
15. L. Smith Kremser In Jainism, o rejoice (poem)
16. A. L. Basham Mahavira, the great profounder of Jainism
17. J. Deleu Lord Mahavira and the Anyatirthikas
18. A. Banerji ►The Age of Mahavira
19. A.S. Gopani "Thus spake Mahavira"
20. K.R. Chandra Vardhamana Mahavira
21. K.M. Patel Lord Mahavira and his teachings
22. T. Singh 'Komal' Lord Mahavira (poem)
III. Philosophy
23. R.N. Mukerji The Jaina logic of sevenfold predication
24. B.N. Jhaveri Consideration of self in Jaina philosophy
25. B.N. Sinha Concept of substance in Jainism
26. V.M. Kulkarni Niyativada (pre-destination, fatalism, determinism). A study
V. History
27. R. Williams Accounts of the Jainas taken from sixteenth and seventeenth century authors
28. B. Prakesh The genesis of Digambara - Svetambara split
29. V.V. Mirashi Patronage to Jainism by the Silaharas of Kolhapur
30. K.A.N. Shastri/ V. Ramasubramaniyam The ascendency and eclypse of Bhagavan Mahavira's cult in the Tamil land
31. V.G. Nair Agasthya
32. V.G. Nair Antiquity of Jainism in Tamilnad
VI. Art
33. K. Bruhn ►Further observations on the iconography of Parsvanatha
34. H.D. Sankalia Earliest Jaina inscription from Maharashtra
35. N.P. Joshi Jaina metal images in the State Museum, Lucknow
36. M.N.P. Tiwari Jaina images in the Archaeological Museum, Khajuraho
37. B. Upadhyay ►Mahavira icon and Indian archaeology
38. A. Krishna Farther-eye in the East Indian and Nepalese painting
39. D.N. Shukla Is Jainism an opponent of Hinduism?


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Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. A. Banerji
  2. A.N. Upadhye
  3. B. Upadhyay
  4. Bal Patil
  5. Bombay
  6. Buddha
  7. Digambara
  8. Fasting
  9. Hinduism
  10. JAINA
  11. Jaina
  12. Jaina Canon
  13. Jainism
  14. Jainism Through The Ages
  15. K. Bruhn
  16. Khajuraho
  17. Kolhapur
  18. Krishna
  19. Kundakunda
  20. L. Alsdorf
  21. Lucknow
  22. Maharashtra
  23. Mahavira
  24. Mahāvīra
  25. Nathmal Tatia
  26. Nirvana
  27. Non-violence
  28. Parsvanatha
  29. Samiti
  30. Science
  31. Shukla
  32. Svetambara
  33. Sāmāyika
  34. Tamil
  35. Tīrthaṅkara
  36. Upadhyay
  37. Vardhamana
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