25.01.2010 Towards Jaipur

Published: 03.05.2010
Updated: 30.11.2012

Early on Monday morning we got up and went for Guru Darshan and bidding farewell. It is always very touching to enter the room where H.H. Acharyashree and the monks are in Pratikraman. The vibrations therein are uplifting, nothing more, and nothing less. A reality gains shape, which in the routine of daily life too often is forgotten. One might call it also the immaterial part of human existence where the beauty, the good and the true are part of. This part which enables us to grow in extreme situations beyond ourselves and to act accordingly, regardless of the risk this might have for our life or social position.

H.H. Acharyashree was in deep meditation. We softly started to leave the room, but some monks already had informed H.H. on our presence. He opened his eyes and blessed us with Mangal Path. Such an encounter never is based on the words spoken, but on the intensity of experiencing the same reality together and to be aware of it. These moments are not many in life, but one always remembers them. Such a moment was gifted to us when we were about to leave Sri Dungargarh.

Muni Kishan Lal ji said good bye to us in the vestibule. We regretted that there was no occasion for a meditation session with him. Time was too short.

Samanijis after Guru Darshan on this foggy, cold January morning in Sri Dungargarh

When we left the building for departure we saw a group of Samanijis heading towards their busy activities. This reminded us of the song, we had been allowed to record. When we visited Samanijis the day before, Samani Niyojika Madhur Pragya agreed to record a spiritual song recited by one Samani. We were told not to reveal her name, and got the permission to record it for spiritual upliftment. When we heard the song, we decided to share this wonderful recitation with our readers. Just not to forget this kind of reality, which is brought near to us in the presence of the saints. Here is the song:

Song by Samani


We took farewell from the hospitable city and moved towards the country road to Jaipur. Fortunately we had a convenient car and an experienced driver. But we doubted to be able to reach Jaipur at the time our friend Shivani Bothra had suggested to us. She asked us to leave very early to be at their home as early as possible.

Scene on the road while leaving Sri Dungargarh

These two used the fog for a nice talk in front of the camel that seemed looking at them with disaproval because of stopping and making it wait.

Bye, bye Sri Dungargarh & thank you

Hardly anyone in the street on this foggy and cold morning.

Only possible to move very slow, car in front showing way with flashlight

The car in front of us turned on the flashers.

Sun is taking over

After two hours of drive sun started to take over

Break at the fire

People still felt cold and were happy to warm up at the fire.


When we stopped for refuelling sun had won.

Copse of Kechari trees

Copse of Kechari trees, typical Rajasthani landscape under a blue sky at both sides of the road.

Where there is water, soil is fertile

Where there is water, soil is fertile.

Approaching Jaipur, the number of greater villages, even small towns increases

Approaching Jaipur, the number of greater villages, even small towns increases.

Slip road for entering motorway

About 10 km from Jaipur we entered a slip road to motorway.

Shyam Nagar

Then we reached Shyam Nagar, the district where our friends live.

Guardian calling our friends to announce us

We had reached Shyam Nagar, but lost orientation, in which direction to move for arriving at our friends' home. So the guard at the entry gate to the part of Shyam Nagar where they live kindly called the Bothra family, our friends and told them that we were in front of him. But he naturally spoke in local language and could not indicate the way to us, as the driver also did not understand him. He handed over the mobile to us, and we talked to Sanjeev Bothra who had answered the guardian's call.

Driver tries to understand how to reach the house of the Bothra family

The driver tried to understand how to reach the house of the Bothra family.

Our friend Sanjeev showing the way to his home

Then our friend Sanjeev came to the entry and piloted us to his home.

At 13:00 we arrived. All were happy that we were rather in time. We took lunch together and then had time to relax in the wonderful ambience of our friends' home. We felt tired, but happy and like in our own home. In the evening we sat together for some time and talked, but said good night very soon after dinner. On Tuesday we had an important meeting and wanted to be in full energy for it.


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      Page glossary
      Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
      1. Darshan
      2. Guru
      3. Jaipur
      4. Mangal Path
      5. Meditation
      6. Muni
      7. Muni Kishan Lal
      8. Pragya
      9. Pratikraman
      10. Rajasthani
      11. Samani
      12. Samani Niyojika
      13. Samani Niyojika Madhur Pragya
      14. Sanjeev Bothra
      15. Shivani Bothra
      16. Sri Dungargarh
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