
Published: 23.05.2007
Updated: 02.07.2015
Adharmaastikay, Adharmastikāya, Adharmāstikāy, Adharmāstikāya

Medium of rest (non-motion)

with retarding potential.

A metaphysical reality (substance) which acts as an universal medium of rest for all pudgalas and jīvas; it is non-physical, devoid of consciousness, non-corporeal and ubiquitous (in the whole cosmic space).

one of the six eternal uncreated substances. seen as ether:
    "negativ" Ether adharmastikaya Medium of rest
    "positiv" Ether dharmastikaya Medium of motion

Fundamental substance qua medium of rest, one of the six fundamental Dravyas (substances) or five Astikāyas (extended substances); the substance which is the unique inevitable medium of rest, passively assisting in the rest of the jīvas (souls) and Pudgalas (physical substances) which are apt to undertake rest; it is only one (single) in number with respect to substance; it is eternal with respect to time, noncorporeal (i.e.devoid of colour etc.) with respect to mode; it is pervading the whole Loka (cosmos) with respect to space; it has innumerable number of Pradeśas (indivisible units); it is antithesis of Dharmāstikāya (fundamental substance qua medium of motion).

Anekanta: Philosophy Of Co-Existence
by Acharya Mahaprajna


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Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acharya
  2. Acharya Mahaprajna
  3. Anekanta
  4. Astikāyas
  5. Consciousness
  6. Dharmastikaya
  7. Dharmāstikāya
  8. Dravyas
  9. Ether
  10. Loka
  11. Pradeśas
  12. Space
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