Dr. Tara Sethia

Published: 09.05.2010


Tara Sethia, Ph.D.
Director, Ahimsa Center
Professor, History Department
California State Polytechnic University
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768
Phone (909) 869 3868 Tara Sethia is Professor of History and Director of Ahimsa Center at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona). She teaches courses on India and South Asia, Women in Asia and a new course on Nonviolence in the Modern World. She received her Ph.D. in History from UCLA, M. A. and B.A. (Honors) in History from the Rajasthan University, Jaipur India. Dr. Sethia is recipient of several grants, awards and honors including a Gold and a Silver medal. She was the principal investigator and project director of the National Endowment for the Humanities funded multi-year program on India and China for K-12 Educators. Dr. Sethia’s most recent publications include an edited book, Ahimsa, Anekanta and Jainism ( Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2004); and articles on Mohandas K. Gandhi, Vardhamana Mahavira, and Nonviolence for the Berkshire Enclyopedia of World History (forthcoming, 2005). She has also published articles and reviews in journals and books within her field. Currently, she is working on a book, Gandhi: His World and Ours, to be published by Longman Publishers. Her most recent presentations at national and international conference include “Gandhi in World History,” at the Australian National University, Canberra, September 1-3, 2004; “Ahimsa and Sustainable Peace” at the Sustainable Resources Conference in Boulder Colorado, September 28 to October 2, 2004; and “Forgiveness: The Power of Humility and Self-Restraint” at the YJP Convention, San Antonio, October 9-10, 2004. Dr. Sethia has organized on her campus two international conferences: Her involvement in the establishment of Ahimsa Center on campus and its educational activities have received coverage in the Los Angeles Times ( 24 April 2004) and other newspapers and magazines. [see article below] She was also interviewed twice in April-May 2004 on KPFK radio station.
Earlier she was instrumental in creating new curriculum in South Asian History including two courses on India and a course on Women in Asia.
She has also offered a seminar on Gandhi. Recently she has developed an interdisciplinary General Education course on Nonviolence in the Modern World and is currently planning a new curriculum in Nonviolence Studies on her campus.



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  1. Ahimsa
  2. Ahimsa Center
  3. Anekanta
  4. Cal Poly Pomona
  5. Delhi
  6. Gandhi
  7. Jainism
  8. Jaipur
  9. Los Angeles Times
  10. Mahavira
  11. Motilal Banarsidass
  12. Nonviolence
  13. Pomona
  14. Rajasthan
  15. Vardhamana
  16. YJP
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