28.01.2012 ►Amet ►Maryada Mahotsav ►Day 1

Published: 28.02.2012
Updated: 30.11.2012

2012 Karuna's Mewar Tour

The day when a celebration like Maryada Mahotsav is about to start is a very special day, awaited since quite some time by the participants. This has a strong impact not only on the inhabitants of the town where it takes place, but also on the visitors who are travelling to that place. The habitual silence in the morning was abruptly interrupted several times by the very loud signalling of a big overland bus, followed by engine noise indicating that the small street in front of the Dak family’s house was temporarily used as parking place for the coach. Certainly the travellers were accommodated in the neighbourhood.

When I looked from the balcony of my room, the roaming animals like donkeys, pigs, dogs, and even cows were not yet in the street. But an unexpectedly modern coach stood there, glowing in the morning sun. When the travellers left it, this happened almost in silence. No shouting, no sounds when they opened the cover of the baggage hold and took their belongings. They perfectly were aware of the early morning time which their vehicle was not.

The members of the Dak family also prepared for their participation in the celebration. Mrs. Shamtu Dak was busy in the kitchen, preparing two meals at the same time, breakfast and lunch. It has been decided to take lunch before the celebration, traditionally announced for 12:00 sharp. In addition the cloths had to be prepared. Mr. Ashok Dak was a volunteer for the supplement of water for the visitors all over the town. Transport of the grandparents and other relatives and guest like me had to be organized. So the house was bursting with activity. All were calm and disciplined, nobody was nervous. Great! I admired how all action was coordinated like clockwork. All of us were in time at the location, had had our delicious lunch, were dressed correctly, and had been brought to the place by car.

From all directions they poured into the location, and slowly the area was filled with people. At the beginning about 7000 were in the tent like area offering protection against the sun, with open walls for the circulation of air. HH Acharya Mahashraman entered the stage at 12:00 precise and opened the gathering by reciting Namokar Mantra. The stream of inpouring people still was in action; fortunately the area was generously planned and not too small. Everyone could find a suitable place to follow the celebration of the Festival of Rules, Maryada Mahotsav.

Gurudev’s loud and clear voice carried powerful vibrations to the audience and invited all to swing with him higher and higher. It was amazing how he focused the attention of the increasing audience to Namokar Mantra. It came to my mind that he rightly was titled Mantra Muni. His voice united the audience, and everybody felt uplifted. I could see it by the faces and in the eyes.

When speeches started, I studied the activities on stage and in my surrounding area, as I do neither understand Hindi, nor speak it. But this was not a problem. I saw people interacting with each other, noted the different body language, and many, many other wonderful situations. There was not a single minute during these 4 hours I did not enjoy!

Akruti Dak, daughter of my hosts, starting for Maryada Mahotsav in a beautiful white dress. Manju Jain, president of Amet Terapanth Mahila Mandal, with her friend. Colorful audience Urmala Jain, sister of manish who accompanied me on my tours. Urmala Jain and her friend preparing for the presentation of a song in their group at the occasion of the Festival of Rules. Acharya Mahashraman reciting Nomokar Mahamantra at the opening of 148. Maryada Mahotsav. Acharya Mahashraman & monks on stage Muni Kishanlal ji and Muni Sukh Lal ji Sadhvi Pramukha at opening ceremony View on stage of day 1 at 148. Maryada Mahotsav Samanijis Samanijis & Mumukshus Mumukshus & lay followers wearing mouthpad Mrs. Shamtu Dak (r), lady of my host familyhost

When it was over, I visited Akruti Dak and her colleagues in the mobile hospital. Akruti is a dentist and as a volunteer took care for dental surgery. After this, I went to the office to express my gratitude for all the support organisers had accorded to me.

Acharya Tulsi Mahapragya Mobile Hospital offering medical care for free Doctor of mobile hospital Eye doctor of mobile hospital Akruti Dak, daughter of my hosts, worked every day at mobile hospital Karuna Jain & doctor of mobile hospital

Then I went home and took some photos. What a day!

Vegetable & fruit market Amet Shop for spices & herbes

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      Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
      1. Acharya
      2. Acharya Mahashraman
      3. Body
      4. Gurudev
      5. Mahashraman
      6. Mantra
      7. Maryada
      8. Maryada Mahotsav
      9. Mewar
      10. Muni
      11. Namokar Mantra
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