Significant Philosophy

Published: 14.10.2009
Updated: 15.10.2009

Daily News & Analysis

Anekanta is a philosophy, a principle though which all the universal and transitory rules of the world can be explained. Some rules are universal. Some are changing. Some are fixed. Both kinds of rules go hand in hand because there is nothing on earth which has monopoly.Everything has its limits.

Time has its importance but it does not have monopoly. Effort is also of great importance but it is not the deciding factor either. Destiny and karma play an important role. Nobody has monopoly. All of them are complete within themselves and incomplete outside them. The knowledge of limits lends balance.

This world is one of conflicting benefits, of conflicting interests and conflicting ideas. If there were not a balance everything would go topsy-turvy. The body works because there is balance in it. Two contradictory streams of energy are flowing within it. Pran or breath is contradictory to apan and vice versa. Man lives because of the balance between the two.

There are many glands in the body. They have different functions to perform and yet there is a mutual understanding and balance between them. As long as there is balance, the body is fine and once this balance is lost, trouble begins.

Balance is the bridge between two opposing claims.It prevents a clash between opposites. Anekanta has clearly explained balance. In this world there are two principles; sentience and insentience.Insentience or the gross objects are fixed.Sentience is not fixed.

Science explored the rules operating in nature and explained them. But till today science has not been able to explain sentience or consciousness.That is because it is not fixed. Today a discovery is made tomorrow it changes and accordingly so do the rules. To explore the rules of the conscious is very difficult.

Daily News & Analysis - by the efforts of Mr. Lalit Garg
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  1. Anekanta
  2. Body
  3. Consciousness
  4. Karma
  5. Lalit Garg
  6. Pran
  7. Science
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